Criminal & Traffic Law

We have a wealth of experience and a track record of success in our criminal law practice.

We advise and represent our clients for all types of criminal offences, at all stages of criminal law matters and in various courts and tribunals across Australia, providing them with (1) realistic expectations about different scenarios and outcomes, (2) various creative and innovative options available, and (3) practical and strategic advice to maximise the prospects of achieving the best-case scenario, whilst preparing and protecting our clients against other, less desirable scenarios.

Contact us today for our honest and strategic advice about your legal situation. All of our clients have benefited from it.

We advise and represent our clients for all types of criminal and traffic offences including:

Offences of Violence

Assault, domestic violence, grievous and actual bodily harm, assault and resist/hinder police, robbery, kidnapping, intimidation, stalking

Drug Offences

Possession, supply, importation, trafficking, manufacture, cultivation, of any quantity from “small” quantity to “large commercial” quantity

Property Offences

Larceny/stealing/shoplifting, goods in custody, robbery, trespass, break and enter

Dishonesty Offences

Fraud, making/using fraudulent documents, embezzlement, identity fraud, proceeds of crime and Centrelink fraud

Traffic Offences

Novice/special range PCA drink driving, low/mid/high range PCA drink driving, driving under the influence of alcohol/drug, driving with illicit drug present in system (oral fluid/blood/urine), traffic penalty notices (e.g., speeding, use mobile phone), licence suspension appeals

All Other Criminal & Traffic Law Matters

  • AVOs - both apprehended domestic and personal violence orders, and both private and police applications
  • Homicide – murder, manslaughter, negligent/dangerous driving occasioning death, coronial inquests
  • Firearms – possession, supply, manufacture and discharge of firearms
  • Sexual violence - sexual assault, sexual touching or indecent assault, including historical or institutional allegations
  • Corruption offences – abuse of public office, unauthorised access to restricted data and information
  • Environmental and animal cruelty offences
  • Public health offences
  • Workplace health and safety offences
  • Tax crimes
  • Proceeds of crime litigation

And we advise and represent our clients at all stages of criminal and traffic matters including:

  • Bail applications – including urgent and weekend bail applications
  • Sentence hearings
  • Defended hearings
  • Disputed facts hearings
  • Trials – both jury trials and judge-only trials
  • Mental health diversion applications – section 14 (previously section 32) and section 20BQ applications
  • Fitness hearings
  • Breach of bond hearings
  • Parole hearings and ICO reinstatement hearings
  • Appeals – appeals against Local Court decisions and appeals to higher courts such as the Court of Criminal Appeal
  • Licence suspension appeals – including driver licence, firearms licence and security licence
  • Disciplinary hearings before various regulatory and disciplinary bodies
  • Extradition hearings – both interstate and international